Saturday 29 March 2014

Nature is a shared language

Bush Kinder was honoured to be a part of the 2013 AGECS annual general meeting tour. Amongst those who attended was Jade Fraser from FKA Children's Services. Together with Jade I wrote an article for the newsletter 'Resource'.
In the article we discuss how natural environments encourage children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to participate and develop a sense of belonging to place and community. Nature is the shared language.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Going bush!

Wednesday 31 July 2013
Remember climbing trees and jumping in puddles? Playing in nature was an important part of growing up for most of us. Research suggests that children who spend more time outdoors in nature are happier, healthier, stronger, smarter and more social. Let’s look at ways of reconnecting our children with nature and the outdoors.
Doug Fargher will present this session for parents and guardians of young children.
Doug Fargher is the founder of Bush Kinder, and has been working in Early Childhood for more than 20 years. He is also the proud father of four children. Doug has a passion for allowing children to learn through play, outdoors in nature. Doug is teaching in theBush Kinder program and directing its implementation, as well as consulting and speaking nationally about connecting children with nature.
Places are limited. Registration and payment must be received prior to the session. No refunds or exchanges.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Dunkeld Bush Kindergarten

Even farm kids in the bush need Bush Kinder.
Dunkeld is at the foot of the Grampians in rural Victoria. Dunkeld kindergarten now run a very successsful Bush Kinder program. My colleague Ben Goodes and I happily supported the forward thinking educators and parent community at Dunkeld get started with a Bush Kinder to suit their specific needs. Congratulations Dunkeld! 
Click image to watch ABC Video of Dunkeld Bush Kinder

Click image for the Dunkeld Bush Kinder story

Bush Kinder and Regulations

Bush Kinder has challenged many educators view on what early childhood education should look like.
Over the past fortnight I have been fortunate to make conference presentations and engage in discussion with many inspired educators at the City of Yarra and Wyndham City. These Councils see the benefits that engaging children in nature will have on their community.
Too often as educators we do not follow through with great ideas in fear of regulations. Sadly we do this even when we know our ideas are good for children.
As advocates for children we need to question and read more deeply. Australian law and regulations can and does support good curriculum ideas. The Australian National Quality Framework certainly supports educators providing meaningful learning experiences to children. When offering great ideas like Bush Kinder, educators will be challenged to justify why they are offering it. It is important to recognise and articulate why and how Bush Kinder benefits children, their community and the wider world.
With Claire Warden at Wyndham's educators conference.